Sunday, January 14, 2007

The format is unlocked!

Early this morning (I am in the UK) I got an email from BiffTDB who has completely pulled apart all of the mii data, and documented the format to what looks like it's entirety! Many thanks to Him (or her, I've been wrong before exor)

I'm going to have a look at the new struct later today..

typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned int u32;

#define MII_NAME_LENGTH 10

#define MII_HEIGHT_MIN 0x00
#define MII_HEIGHT_MAX 0x7F

#define MII_WEIGHT_MIN 0x00
#define MII_WEIGHT_MAX 0x7F

typedef struct
// addr: 0x00 & 0x01
u16 invalid:1;
u16 isGirl:1;
u16 month:4;
u16 day:5;
u16 favColor:4; // 0 - 11 (changing to 1111, along with setting the preceeding bit
// results in a grey shirt, some values over 11 will crash the Wii
// when trying to change the favorite color).
u16 unknown:1;

// addr: 0x02 through 0x15
u16 name[MII_NAME_LENGTH];

// addr: 0x16
u8 height;

// addr: 0x17
u8 weight;

// addr: 0x18 - 0x1B
u8 miiID1; // Unique Mii identifier. Seems to increment with time.
u8 miiID2;
u8 miiID3;
u8 miiID4;

// addr: 0x1C & 0x1D & 0x1E & 0x1F
u8 systemID0; // Checksum8 of first 3 bytes of mac addr
u8 systemID1; // mac addr 3rd-to-last byte
u8 systemID2; // mac addr 2nd-to-last byte
u8 systemID3; // mac addr last byte

// addr: 0x20 & 0x21
u16 faceShape:3; // 0 - 7
u16 skinColor:3; // 0 - 5
u16 facialFeature:4; // 0 - 11
u16 unknown:3;
u16 mingleOff:1; // 0 = Mingle, 1 = Don't Mingle
u16 unknown:2;

// addr: 0x22 & 0x23
u16 hairType:7; // 0 - 71, Value is non-sequential with regard to page, row and column
u16 hairColor:3; // 0 - 7
u16 hairPart:1; // 0 = Normal, 1 = Reversed
u16 unknown:5;

// addr: 0x24 & 0x25 & 0x26 & 0x27
u32 eyebrowType:5; // 0 - 23, Value is non-sequential with regard to page, row and column
u32 unknown:1;
u32 eyebrowRotation:4; // 0 - 11, Default value varies based on eyebrow type
u32 unknown:6;
u32 eyebrowColor:3; // 0 - 7
u32 eyebrowSize:4; // 0 - 8, Default = 4
u32 eyebrowVertPos:5; // 3 - 18, Default = 10
u32 eyebrowHorizSpacing:4; // 0 - 12, Default = 2

// addr: 0x28 & 0x29 & 0x2A & 0x2B
u32 eyeType:6; // 0 - 47, Value is non-sequential with regard to page, row and column
u32 unknown:2;
u32 eyeRotation:3; // 0 - 7, Default value varies based on eye type
u32 eyeVertPos:5; // 0 - 18, Default = 12
u32 eyeColor:3; // 0 - 5
u32 unknown:1;
u32 eyeSize:3; // 0 - 7, Default = 4
u32 eyeHorizSpacing:4; // 0 - 12, Default = 2
u32 unknown:5;

// addr: 0x2C & 0x2D
u16 noseType:4; // 0 - 11, Value is non-sequential with regard to row and column
u16 noseSize:4; // 0 - 8, Default = 4
u16 noseVertPos:5; // 0 - 18, Default = 9
u16 unknown:3;

// addr: 0x2E & 2F
u16 lipType:5; // 0 - 23, Value is non-sequential with regard to page, row and column
u16 lipColor:2; // 0 - 2
u16 lipSize:4; // 0 - 8, Default = 4
u16 lipVertPos:5; // 0 - 18, Default = 13

// addr: 0x30 & 0x31
u16 glassesType:4; // 0 - 8
u16 glassesColor:3; // 0 - 5
u16 unknown:1;
u16 glassesSize:3; // 0 - 7, Default = 4
u16 glassesVertPos:5; // 0 - 20, Default = 10

// addr: 0x32 & 33
u16 mustacheType:2; // 0 - 3
u16 beardType:2; // 0 - 3
u16 facialHairColor:3; // 0 - 7
u16 mustacheSize:4; // 0 - 8, Default = 4
u16 mustacheVertPos:4; // 0 - 16, Default = 10

// addr: 0x34 & 0x35
u16 moleOn:1; // 0 = No Mole, 1 = Has Mole
u16 moleSize:4; // 0 - 8, Default = 4
u16 moleVertPos:5; // 0 - 30, Default = 20
u16 moleHorizPos:5; // 0 - 16, Default = 2
u16 unknown:1;

// addr: 0x36

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Thanks to dirgotronix, we now have all the data required to view each kind of glasses and eyes within the Mii files. Although the image is rough, you can clearly see that we are very close to the real thing now. If these Mii's had hair, you'd think you were looking at your TV ;)


Dear all,

Over the past 4 weeks I have been creating a small application with the help of some people on the irc channel #wiidev that will display and edit mii binary files without the need of a wii.

The main goal of this, is to have a run-anywhere application whereby a user can upload a binary file from their wiimote, and in return, be given an editable viewable abusable mii picture that can be used on anything from forum signatures, to high res versions that can go onto tshirts, baseball caps..

Currently we are in alpha stage. Most of the mii binary is now fully understood, and the mii data is being broken down into sections. We know what eyes, eyebrows, noses and faces fit where.

If you wish to help, either with creating miis to help document the format, or by creating high res graphics that can be used with the viewer then please contact me. I am especially interested in people who can create high quality 3D models as I plan to create a 3D version once the 2D version is complete.